How to ?


Change the window background color and transparency

Open the file : "modules/mod_bright_popup/tmpl/css/styes.css

go to the line "div #fond"
Just below this line, you can change color and transparency by changing the value of : "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"


Change the Halo colors

Open the file : "modules/mod_bright_popup/tmpl/css/styes.css

go to the line ".shadow::before, .shadow::after"

Then, below this line, look for the line : " background: linear-gradient(45deg, red, orange , yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet, white, white);"

And change linear-gradient(45deg, red, orange , yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet, white, white) to any color and radiant css code.


Add a radiant background in the popup

Just add css style in "css popup color". This field takes priority over the "popup color" field


Add a YouTube or Vimeo Video.

1) Go to your vidéo on YoyTube and right click on it.

2) Chose "Copy intégration code"

3) Modify width and height of the iframe and replace them by width="100%" and heigth="auto"

4) Copy it in the module editor code tab of the editor ! IMPORTANT !




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